Accenture Recruitment Process 2023

In 2023, Accenture Offering two roles.
  • Advanced Associate Software Engineer (AASE) - Package of 6.5 LPA
  • Associate Software Engineer (ASE) - Package of 4.5 LPA

  • The role is selected by the interviewers based on the overall performance of the candidate.

    Recruitment Process for Freshers in 2023:

    Accenture conducts total of four rounds in the hiring process.

    1. Written Test
      • Cognitive and Technical Assessment
    2. Coding Test
      • Problem solving and Programming fundamentals.
    3. Communication Assessment
    4. Interview
      • Technical Interview
      • HR Interview

    Written Test (round 1) :

    First round of the hiring process after applications is Written Test.

    All the questionas are of type MCQ.

    It consists of 2 Sections.

    • Cognitive Ability
    • Technical Assessment

    Cognitive Ability :

    In this section, The questions are based on 3 things.

      • English Ability / Verbal Ability
      • Critical Reasoning ( Critical Thinking ) and , Problem Solving
      • Abstract Reasoning

    Technical Assessment :

    In this section, The questions are asked on the technical aspect. The questions are on

      • Basic Computers and MS Office
      • Network Security
      • Cloud Computing Fundamentals
      • Simple Coding Questions

    *This is an Elimination Round.

    Coding Round(round 2) :

    Second round is the coding assessment. In this round each candidate is given 45 mins to solve 2 Programming Problems in their desired languages among C,C++, Python, Java, .Net .

    The Difficulty level of the questions is Easy – Medium.

    Most of the questions are on basic problem solving.

    The student needs to login to the coding portal like Hackerrank etc. by link provided through mail and solve the problems.

    The coding questions can be solved by learning these concepts:

    • Programming Fundamentals
    • Loops
    • Arrays
    • Recursion
    • Function
    • Bitwise Operators
    • Increment & Decrement Operators
    • Conditional statements
    • Basics of Data Structures

    *This is an Elimination Round.

    Communication Round (round 3):

    The third round is Communication Assessment round. In this round students need to score by Reading, Listening and Repeating, Answering , etc.

    Communication Round contains :

    • Reading (8 Que)
    • Listening/Repeat (16 Que)
    • Q&A (24 Que)
    • Sentence Jumble/ Sentence Builds (10 Que)
    • Story Telling (3 Que)
    • Speaking (2 Que)

    *There is No Rejection in this Round.

    Interview (Final round ):

    Final round of any recruitment process is Interview. In this round the candidate will be asked on both Technical and HR Questions. Based on the Overall performance of the candidate the Offer will be decided.


    Written Test


    Cognitive– 50 Mins (50 MCQs)
    Technical – 40 Mins (40 MCQs)
    Total – 90 Mins (90 MCQs)
    • Verbal ability / English ability
    • Critical Reasoning Solving
    • Abstract Reasoning
    • Accenture Common Applications & MS Office Syllabus
    • Network Security
    • Cloud Syllabus
    • Pseudocode and Programming.

    Coding Test


    2 Coding Questions in 45 Mins

    ( C/C++, Python, Java, .Net )

    • Programming Fundamentals
    • Looping
    • Arrays
    • Recursion
    • Function
    • Bitwise Operators
    • Increment & Decrement Operators
    • Conditional statements
    • Basics of Data Structures

    Comm. Test

    *No Rejection

    30 Mins
    • Reading (8 Que)
    • Listening/Repeat (16 Que)
    • Q&A (24 Que)
    • Sentence Jumble/ Sentence Builds (10 Que)
    • Story Telling (3 Que)
    • Speaking (2 Que)



    Average duration : 30 MinsInterviewer asks both Technical and HR Questions. The role is decided by them by considering overall performance.


    Who can apply for Accenture AASE and ASE role in 2023? (Eligibility):

    Anyone who completed or currently pursuing B.E, B.Tech, MCA, MSc(Computer Science) can apply and attend this hiring process both OnCampus and Off Campus.

     Academic Qualifications :

    • Class 10th Standard : 60% or Above
    • Class 12th Standard : 60% or Above
    • College Graduation : 60% or Above 6.5 CGPA

    College Qualification Required :

    • B.E.
    • Tech.
    • MCA
    • MSc (Computer Science)

    What are the roles offered by Accenture for Freshers in 2023?

    1. Advanced Associate Software Engineer ( AASE ) 
      • The package offered by accenture to AASE is 6.5 LPA.
    2. Associate Software Engineer ( ASE ) 4.5 LPA
      • The package offered by accenture to ASE is 4.5 LPA.

    Accenture Previous Questions

    English Ability / Verbal Ability

    Accenture English Ability Mock Quiz Set-1

    1 / 14

    Category: English Ability

    1) Fill in the blank with the most suitable preposition.
    The plane flew _______ us.

    2 / 14

    Category: English Ability

    2) Rearrange the given phrases to form a complete sentence.
    Note: The phrases numbered 1 and 6 are fixed.

    1. Yet so few of us have
    (A) walls of daily routine
    (B) the time or the means
    (C) that enclose our lives
    (D) to break through the narrow
    6. to get to know this land

    3 / 14

    Category: English Ability

    3) Fill in the blank with the most suitable articles.

    Someone call __________ police!

    4 / 14

    Category: English Ability

    4) After carefully reading both the books, the editor and her colleague found that the only difference
    between them were their names.

    5 / 14

    Category: English Ability

    5) Rearrange the given phrases to form a complete sentence.
    Note: The phrases numbered 1 and 6 are fixed.

    1. Effective writing involves
    A. careful choice of words, their organization
    B. in the correct order to
    C. well as cohesive composition
    D. form sentences, as
    6. of sentences.

    6 / 14

    Category: English Ability

    6) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable option.
    If she ______ about the accident, she _____ visited you immediately

    7 / 14

    Category: English Ability

    7) The following question consists of a sentence that is either partly or entirely underlined and may or
    may not have a grammatical error. Below each sentence are four versions of the underlined part of
    the sentence. Choose the option that correctly rephrases the underlined part of the given sentence.
    Mark the answer as ‘No Error’ if there is no error in the underlined part.

    In consider the difficulties of his position, he has acted admiralty.

    8 / 14

    Category: English Ability

    8) Choose the correct synonym for the following word.

    9 / 14

    Category: English Ability

    9) Choose the correct antonym for the following word.

    10 / 14

    Category: English Ability

    10) John dropped his wallet coming out from the shop

    11 / 14

    Category: English Ability

    11) Choose the correct antonym for the following word.

    12 / 14

    Category: English Ability

    12) Choose the correct spelling of the word to fill in the blank.
    The best part of my daily ____ is to wake up early.

    13 / 14

    Category: English Ability

    13) Replace the underlined word in the following sentence with the most suitable option.
    It was time to be stood on her own two feet.

    14 / 14

    Category: English Ability

    14) Fill in the blank with the correct tense of the verb in the following sentence.
    Only if I had known about her intentions before, I __________ alert.

    Your score is

    The average score is 64%


    Accenture English Ability Mock Quiz Set-2

    1 / 10

    Choose the most suitable alternative in accordance with the correct use of tense

    2 / 10

    Fill in the blanks with the most suitable option.

    ____________ the police immediately.

    3 / 10

    Fill in the blank(s) with the most suitable option.

    He____________ here since 2011 so he knows everything about this place.

    4 / 10

    From the given options, Choose the word that spelled correctly.

    5 / 10

    From the given options, choose the word that is spelled incorrectly.

    6 / 10

    Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence

    7 / 10

    Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence.

    8 / 10

    Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence

    9 / 10

    Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence.

    10 / 10

    Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence.

    Your score is

    The average score is 59%


    Critical Reasoning and Problem Solving

    Accenture Critical Reasoning and Problem Solving Mock Quiz Set-1

    1 / 17

    Editor: I have received over five thousand letters and emails on the article that I wrote last week.
    Majority of those letters and emails support my viewpoint on the issue. These letters are, therefore,
    the testimonials that most of our readers have the same opinion on the issue as I do.
    Which of the following, if true, would weaken the editor’s conclusion above?

    2 / 17

    A food delivery company gained greater profits when it provided food delivery service in a city by
    following no-minimum order facility and by maintaining its own fleet of employees. Besides the
    commission it gets from restaurants, it charges no delivery charges for orders which are higher than
    a certain amount. Hoping to continue these financial trends, the company plans to start its
    operations in two new cities.

    The plan of the food delivery company as described above directly assumes all of the following

    3 / 17

    In a row of 50 girls, Amy was made to sit 20 places to the right of Rose and Peter sat 20 places to
    the left of Emma. If Emma was thirty sixth from the left and there were four people between Peter
    and Amy. What was the position of Rose in the row?

    4 / 17

    In a row of friends, Tia occupies fifteenth place from the right end and Tina occupies twelfth place
    from the left end, respectively. Tristen is ninth on the left of Tia. If Tristen and Tia interchange their
    places, then Tristen occupies twentieth place from the left end. How many friends were there
    between Tristen and Tina originally?

    5 / 17

    Five friends A, B, C, D and E, with different occupational backgrounds (Teacher, Doctor,
    Accountant, Businessman, Engineer) went for a conference. The doctor sat next to B. The engineer
    sat in between B and C. Neither A nor the accountant sat at any of the extreme ends. If D does not
    sit next to B, then which of the following is definitely sitting at one of the extreme ends?

    6 / 17

    On a racing track, six players, U,V,W,X,Y and Z were positioned in such a way that U was to the left
    of Y and fourth to the left of X. W was in between and equidistant from Y and Z but Y is not
    adjacent to X. The winner was at the fourth section of the track from the left. Who was he?

    7 / 17

    Pradhan, Qureshi, rastogi, sharma and talreja are students coming from gwalior, Bhopal, indore,
    Ujjain and guna not necessarily in that order. They have topped in different subjects among math,
    English, hindi, science and geography. The student from guna has topped in math, Qureshi comes
    from Ujjain and sharma from gwalior. The student from indore has not topped in science. Pardhan
    topped in science and Talreja in geography. From which city does the topper in English come from?

    8 / 17

    There are six houses in a colony, such that 3 houses are in one row and the other 3 houses are in
    the opposite row. The three houses in a row are equidistant from each other. Each house is exactly
    opposite the house in the other row. Each house is painted with a different color from red, blue,
    green, yellow, pink and orange.
    1. Houses at the corner are not painted with blue and red color
    2. House painted with orange color is not opposite the house painted with green color
    3. Yellow and pink colored houses are not in the same row
    Which house is diagonally opposite the orange colored house?

    9 / 17

    Ranbir, Ranveer, Randheer, Ranjeet and Rajbeer maintain ranking for batting and bowling. The
    ranking was in descending order. Rajbeer, who was ranked first in batting, was last in bowling.
    Randheer had the same ranking in both and was just above Rajbeer in bowling. In batting, Ranbir
    was just above Ranjeet but in bowling, he was in the middle and he bowed after Ranveer. Who
    was ranked first as a bowler ?

    10 / 17

    Five friends, Jay, Raj, Shivansh, Monu and Mehul have different professions-Teacher, Singer, Police,
    Bank Manager and Actor. Each one wears different colors of ties-Yellow, Black, Grey, Green and
    orange though not respectively in the same order. Shivansh is an Actor but doesn’t wear a Black or
    Orange colored tie. The person who is wearing Green colored tie is neither teacher nor police. Jay
    and Mehul are not Bank manager and they do not wear Yellow-colored tie. Grey colored tie is worn
    by Monu, who is neither a Singer nor a Bank Manager. Bank Manager wears a Green colored tie.
    Who is Bank Manager?

    11 / 17

    Directions: The problem below consists of a problem followed by two statements.
    Decide whether the data in the statements is sufficient to answer the question. Select your answer
    depending upon whether the data provided in:
    (A) statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the
    (B) statement 2 alones is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the
    (C) both statements taken together are sufficient to answer the question, but neither statement
    alone is sufficient to answer the question
    (D) each statement alone is sufficient to sufficient to answer the question
    (E) statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient, and additional data is needed to answer the
    Problem: Does the integer y have at least two different prime factors?
    Statement 1: y/10 is an integer.
    Statement 2: y/6 is an integer.

    12 / 17

    Taxi drivers need to remember a complex web of tens of thousands of streets whereas, bus drivers,
    who follow a constrained set of routes, need only a limited knowledge of the city’s layout. It has
    been found that a part of the brain – the hippocampus – is much larger in the taxi drivers than that
    in the bus drivers with similar age and professional driving experience. The size of the hippocampus
    increases with years of professional driving experience only in the taxi drivers, and it shrinks back
    to the normal size when the taxi drivers retire.
    If the facts stated in the passage above are true, which of the following cannot be concluded about
    the human brain?

    13 / 17

    It is the developed world that has the capability to combat climate change. It is these developed
    countries that have the research capabilities to come up with the necessary technology to make the
    economy greener, to produce renewable energy, to mitigate against the disasters. Moreover, these
    are the countries that have the finances available to fund these activities; not only funding the
    research looking for the solutions but also the financial resources to put them into action all around
    the world.
    Which of the following conclusions can most properly be drawn from the information given above?

    14 / 17

    . Consider the following statements and determine which of the given conclusions follow.
    A. All good jumpers win.
    B. All good jumpers eat well.
    I. All those who eat well are good jumpers.
    II. All those who win eat well.

    15 / 17

    Consider the following statements and determine which of the given conclusions follow.
    A. No pencil is an eraser.
    B. Pen is a pencil.
    I. Pen is not an eraser.
    II. All pencils are not pens.

    16 / 17

    Read the flowchart given below and answer the answer the question that follows:

    If a student has secured 57, 88, 69, 66 and 79 marks in all subjects what grade will he get?

    17 / 17

    Read the flowchart given below and answer the answer the question that follows

    What is the total profit by selling 75 units of the product?

    Your score is

    The average score is 39%


    Abstract Reasoning

    Accenture Abstract Reasoning Mock Quiz Set-1

    1 / 13

    If COOKER = +//2*5, ROOSTER = 5//$%*5, then what would be the equivalent of MOOSE most
    appropriately among the following?

    2 / 13

    In a certain coding system ‘BAT’ is coded as 283 and ‘CAT’ is coded as 383; ARE is coded as 801.
    How will you code ‘BETTER’?

    3 / 13

    In a certain coding system ‘BOOK’ is coded as ‘CNPJ’. How will you code ‘MOON’?

    4 / 13

    Find the odd word among the given options.

    5 / 13

    Find the odd word among the given options

    6 / 13

    In this series, you will be looking at a letter pattern. Which of the given options should fill in the
    TEJ, VLG, XIN, _____

    7 / 13

    In this series, you will be looking at a letter pattern. Which of the given options should fill in the
    F03K, I04H, _____, O09B, R13Y

    8 / 13

    Which of the given options is the most suitable for completing the following series?

    9 / 13

    Which of the given options is the most suitable for completing the following series?

    10 / 13

    Mark the option that best completes the comparison.
    Dhaka : Bangladesh :: ? : France

    11 / 13

    Find the missing term in the series given below.
    5, 5, 6, 14, ?, 105

    12 / 13

    Find the missing term in the series given below:
    7, 7, 8, 12, ?, 37

    13 / 13

    Mark the odd one out from the given options

    Your score is

    The average score is 58%


    Coding Assessment (MCQs) / Technical Assessment

    Accenture Coding Mock Quiz Set-1

    1 / 12

    What will be the output of the following code?

    Note: Continue: When a continue statement is encountered inside a loop, control jumps to the
    beginning of the loop for next iteration, skipping the execution of statements inside the body of the
    loop for the current iteration

    2 / 12

    Consider the following pseudocode:

    a. What is the result that the program is trying to output in this code when three numbers are
    b. What will be printed when the input given to the program is 10,20,5?


    3 / 12

    What will be the output of the following code?

    Note- &&: logical AND – The logical AND operator (&&) returns the Boolean value true (or 1) if both
    operands are true and return false (or 0) otherwise.
    ^ is the bitwise exclusive OR operator that compares each bit of its first operand to the
    corresponding bit of its second operand. If one bit is 0, and the other bit is 1, the corresponding
    result bit is set to 1. Otherwise, the corresponding result bit is set to 0.


    4 / 12

    What will be the output of the following pseudo code a=5, b=5, c=5?

    Note- &&: logical AND – The logical AND operator (&&) returns the Boolean value true (or 1) if both
    operands are true and return false (or 0) otherwise.
    & bitwise AND – The bitwise AND operator (&) compares each bit of the first operand to the
    corresponding bit of the second operand. If both bits are 1, the corresponding result is set to 1.
    Otherwise, the corresponding result bit is set to 0.
    ^ is the bitwise exclusive OR operator that compares each bit of its first operand to the
    corresponding bit of its second operand. If one bit is 0, and the other bit is 1, the corresponding
    result bit is set to 1. Otherwise, the corresponding result bit is set to 0.

    5 / 12

    What will be the output of the following pseudo code for a=1, b=3, c=4?

    Note: ^ is the bitwise exclusive OR operator that compares each bit of its first operand to the
    corresponding bit of its second operand. If one bit is 0, and the other bit is 1, the corresponding
    result bit is set to 1. Otherwise, the corresponding result bit is set to 0.

    6 / 12

    What will be the output of the following code?

    Note- & bitwise AND – The bitwise AND operator (&) compares each bit of the first operand to the
    corresponding bit of the second operand. If both bits are 1, the corresponding result is set to 1.
    Otherwise, the corresponding result bit is set to 0.
    ^ is the bitwise exclusive OR operator that compares each bit of its first operand to the
    corresponding bit of its second operand. If one bit is 0, and the other bit is 1, the corresponding
    result bit is set to 1. Otherwise, the corresponding result bit is set to 0.

    7 / 12

    What will be the output of the following code?

    Note- & bitwise AND – The bitwise AND operator (&) compares each bit of the first operand to the
    corresponding bit of the second operand. If both bits are 1, the corresponding result is set to 1.
    Otherwise, the corresponding result bit is set to 0.
    ^ is the bitwise exclusive OR operator that compares each bit of its first operand to the
    corresponding bit of its second operand. If one bit is 0, and the other bit is 1, the corresponding
    result bit is set to 1. Otherwise, the corresponding result bit is set to 0.

    8 / 12

    What will be the output of the following code?


    Note: Continue: When a continue statement is encountered inside a loop, control jumps to the
    beginning of the loop for next iteration, skipping the execution of statements inside the body of the
    loop for the current iteration.

    9 / 12

    What will be the output of the following code?

    &: bitwise AND – The bitwise AND operator (&) compares each bit of the first operand to the
    corresponding bit of the second operand. If both bits are 1, the corresponding result bit is set to 1.
    Otherwise, the corresponding result bit is set to 0.
    ^ is the bitwise OR operator that compares each bit of its first operand to the corresponding bit of
    its second operand. If one bit is 0 and the other bit is 1, the corresponding result bit is set to 1.
    Otherwise, the corresponding result bit is set to 0.


    10 / 12

    What will be the output of the following code?

    11 / 12

    What will be the output of the following code?

    12 / 12

    What structure does the following pseudo code belong to?

    Your score is

    The average score is 41%


    Accenture Recruitment Process FAQ

    What is the role and package offered by Accenture?

    Accenture comes up with 2 exciting roles in 2023. Associate Software Engineer (Package of 4.5 LPA) and Advanced Associate Software Engineer (Package of 6.5 LPA).

    How many rounds are there in recruitment process?

    Accenture Hiring Process has total of Four rounds. They are Written Test, Coding Test, Communication and Interview.

    What is the eligibility for Accenture Hiring Process?

    Anyone who completed or currently pursuing B.E, B.Tech, MCA, MSc(Computer Science) with 60% or Above can apply and attend this hiring process both OnCampus and Off Campus.

    What is the most important round in Accenture Hiring Process for freshers?

    First round is the most important round with maximum weightage in overall score.

    Which are the eliminations rounds in Accenture Recruitment?

    Cognitive and Coding rounds are elimination rounds. Communication round is not an elimination round but it the score can help in overall score.

    Which questions will be asked in Interview?

    Interviewer will ask both technical and Behavioral Questions. You need to answer confidently to make a good impression.